West Harbour Residents Association

West Harbour Transportation Study

Hello WHRA members, 

In August of 2020, the Town of Oakville and a representative from Halton Police met with residents regarding concerns regarding traffic and parking concerns within the West Harbor neighborhood. Subsequently, the Town undertook a survey of traffic and parking in the areas surrounding Tannery Park, and along Brookfield Road. The survey was conducted in the Fall of 2020.  The Town of Oakville has now released a West Harbour Traffic Study Report.  

The report is attached.  It outlines the Town methodology, findings and recommendations. The recommendations do include the possibility of all way stops at Wilson and Burnet. The Town has scheduled a follow-up virtual meeting to discuss the study recommendations and next steps for Thursday, February 11 from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm. If you would like to participate in this meeting, please use the following link: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/776630125


Your WHRA Executive